The Frits – Bochum Total 2011
Posted by Daniel at 1. August 2011 | Category Festival, Live, Photography, Pictures
The big Highlight of the evening was the show of the legendary Ska-Band the Frits from Bochum. After being absent for 10 years, the Band started to play shows again in 2009 and found their way to the Bochum Total 2011 Stage. The Frits played a fun show and within minutes the first couple of rows started dancing to the off-beats coming from the stage. A real surprising to me were the amount of really young teens cheering for the Band and singing along every word by heart.
Shooting Notes
The high energy live show the Band played screamed for lots of light and that was what the photographers got. Shooting wasn’t really hard and even though there was a lot of backlight, there was still enough ambient light left to make it work. I was shooting wide open at f2.8 at ISO 800 and used a shutter speed of 1/200 and up. Even though I was a bit scared that all the movement on stage would result in an over average amount of images with motion blur, everthing worked out fine and I had a lot of keepers looking at the images afterwards.
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